Stay Focused on
Mission 2022

I am Niamul hasan Zead. I am very weilling to build my career as a web developer.Thats why i am here to learn web development course by Jhanker Mahbub vai.The begining of the course is very much delightful and i hope that the futuere part of this course will be more colorful.I am very much hopeful that it is going to be a great part of my life.


Scrol down to discover more about Me.

focused boy

Going to do in 2022


My first mission is to complete the course with excellent performance.I am very much confident to do the rigth things in my life and now I am doing so.I like to face new problems and I can not hit my bed till I find the solution of that problem.So I want to be a core level problem solver as well as a master of web developer.


My plan is to do something speaial in my life. For this reason I want to be a web developer.I know this will be not very easy but anything can be easier by hard working.I am very much passionate to be a web developer.I want to get a higher degree of certification as a web developer.In a word, you can say that i want to be a hero of wed development.


My first goal is to achive the milestones of this course. Then I want to learn back end development. Besides that I want to learn different types of frame works. Furthermore I am very much interested in python and also want to work with this pritty language. I want to be a person who will be justified by his skills but not by his degrees or anything else.

Working hard is
The main key

A proverb says that morning shows the day.If I able to complete my mission,only then my vision will be executed.So it is very clear that if i want to be a master then first i have to be a good student with industrial mentality.Because Working hard is the main key to make dreams true.I have to complete different types of tasks to clear a single concept. I have to read documents, watch vedios and asking helps from the schoolars. In short it is very safe to stay hungry to accuare new knowledge.To read more hit the button.

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Share knowledge
Gather experiences

I always follow this concept. I am very weilling to share my knowledge.I believe that a man can learn more through sharing what he learned.When I share my knowlegde to others then many things seem to be more clear than before.It is very important to share things to enrich one's experience.To know more about this section hit the button.

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Try to do something For mankind

Become a hero

Well,are you really want to be a hero?If so, then you have to complite this course first.Then you have to learn how to apply these coding knowledge to the welfare of the mankind.You can code for any blog or website or app that is related to public health or education or any emergency needs and that is an another form of helping the mankind.If you are able to do such a thing through your coding knowledge then you are the real hero for the mankind.To know the complete guide line you can click the button.

Become a Hero